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FlexiHub Newsfeed

Case Study: How Simbruini Soccorso Optimized EMS Operations with FlexiHub
Case Study: How Simbruini Soccorso Optimized EMS Operations with FlexiHub
Learn about a case study from our Italian clients, who utilized FlexiHub for their EMS services coordination. Read more here
FlexiHub Celebrates a Decade of Innovation and Connectivity
FlexiHub Celebrates a Decade of Innovation and Connectivity
FlexiHub has been a versatile solution for sharing USB and COM devices over IP for a decade. The team reflects on this significant milestone. Read more here
Enhancing Efficiency and Security with FlexiHub for CNC Machine Manufacturers
Enhancing Efficiency and Security with FlexiHub for CNC Machine Manufacturers
Learn about a case study from a FlexiHub client, who benefitted from using the software during his working tasks. Read more here
FlexiHub 7.0 with QUIC support
FlexiHub 7.0 with QUIC support
FlexiHub 7.0 now offers improved connection for remote USB and serial port devices using the QUIC network protocol, which bypasses NAT issues by setting up a UDP tunnel, facilitating stable connections. Read more here
How to Remotely Reprogram Hearing Aids with FlexiHub
How to Remotely Reprogram Hearing Aids with FlexiHub
Learn about remote hearing aids reprogramming. FlexiHub is a remote access tool for professional usage. Read more here
Welcome FlexiHub 6.0 With Device Isolation Options!
Welcome FlexiHub 6.0 With Device Isolation Options!
FlexiHub 6.0 offers you the most elegant solution to the problem of sharing devices in a multi-user environment. Isolate a specific USB or COM device, and you’ll be the only one who can access it. No other users of your workstation will even see that you are using FlexiHub. Read more here
FlexiHub Web User Portal is Now in Your Language
FlexiHub Web User Portal is Now in Your Language
Good news for everyone who is used to relying on FlexiHub as a fast, friendly, and safe way to access your USB and COM devices over the network, no matter the distance. We appreciate your trust and are doing our best to make our product even more convenient for our users from all over the world. Read more here
FlexiHub for Business - a Key to Remote Teams Success
Subscription vs PAYG [FlexiHub]
Which billing model to choose: subscription or Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG)? Which software solution would work best for full-remote employees? And which is better for part-remote workers?

In this article, we are going to compare the subscription and PAYG approaches using the example of the Business and Team plans of the FlexiHub remote access service. Read more here
FlexiHub Now Supports Windows on ARM Devices
Windows on ARM PCs
With the new update, you can install FlexiHub on Windows computers with ARM64 architecture and create cross-platform connections to remote USB and serial port peripherals in a totally secure way.

FlexiHub will run with the optimal speed and make any attached peripherals accessible to remote computers, allowing you to enjoy the full power of your ARM machine. Read more here
New Tunnel Servers for 2x Faster Device Redirection
New Tunnel Servers for 2x Faster Device Redirection
FlexiHub adds two more Tunnel Servers to cover new regions and ensure 2x faster device redirection. Less data travel time with new dedicated Tunnel Servers.

FlexiHub deploys additional servers to ensure flawless and super fast access to remote devices. New Tunnel Servers are now located in Latin America and Australia. Read more here
Meet FlexiHub 5.0 with RDP support
Meet FlexiHub 5.0 with RDP support
Great news for the fans of Windows Remote Desktop Connections - with the latest edition of FlexiHub you get to easily share USB devices of any specific type with remote computers while in an RDP session.

Now that many of us have to work from home due to the global pandemic, it is becoming of key importance to be able to access local USB devices in a remote session. Read more here
✨ New
  • Added: possibility to connect to remote devices via an RDP channel.
  • Added: possibility to set the priority of channels used to connect to remote devices.
  • Added: new Options dialog box.
FlexiHub helps to perform mass vaccination in Germany
FlexiHub joins the fight against COVID-19
Electronic Team professionals from the FlexiHub squad just couldn't stay on the sidelines and are always ready to lend a helping hand to those currently taking all possible steps to get rid of COVID entirely and permanently.

Thanks to FlexiHub, a doctor’s office was able to handle a vaccination event in Germany for 3000 people complying with all required sanitary measures and safety standards. They had multiple PCs in the remote vaccination location, each with the connected chipcard reader for medical ID cards. Read more here
Improved connections speed
The recent FlexiHub update gets improved speed for work with the Universal Plug and Play (uPnP) protocol streamlining communication between networked nodes.

Everyone likes speed when connecting devices over a network. FlexiHub users can easily identify the status of network connections by viewing the software’s interface. Either green or yellow lights will be visible in front of each networked node. Read more here
FlexiHub lets you double the HID response time performance
With FlexiHub you will double the HID device (human interface device) response time performance! Now a 100 msec ping from the host for smooth 3D mouse operation is more than enough! Here is one of the features that you will get in the recent update.

With FlexiHub, you’ll have no trouble redirecting a 3D mouse to a remote desktop of your workstation. Only you need to be aware of a minor nuance: latency may slightly increase when connecting through the Internet. It’s a known fact that redirection via LAN works much better for HID devices. That doesn't seem like such a big problem, but can be rather aggravating in the longer run. Read more here
FlexiHub 4.0 by Electronic Team, Inc. – More suited for Teamwork and More Versatile
Team Account
Electronic Team, Inc. has added an ability to have multiple FlexiHub users under a single Team Account which allows to securely share USB and COM port devices between the team members.

Within the Team Account, each user will get his/her own “mini-account” which will have a number of benefits compared to the traditional personal subscription Team Account
Keep your remote connections active with FlexiHub 3.3 update!
Keep connections active
FlexiHub 3.3 update brings a new outstanding feature, which lets you Keep connections active even when your computer temporarily disconnects from the Internet.

The new option will be especially helpful for those who use FlexiHub for remote reprogramming and configuring of USB devices and those who rely on FlexiHub to copy files from remote USB drives. Read more here
Introducing FlexiHub 3.2 – with a brand new FlexiChat feature!
Brand new FlexiChat feature
We did our best to improve FlexiHub’s functionality based on numerous comments from our valuable customers to make their user experience as convenient as possible.

FlexiChat is a brand new feature that lets you communicate with other users logged into the same FlexiHub account to share comments and reactions while accessing or sharing remote USB and COM port devices. Read more here
FlexiHub for Android 3.1 – Reinvented and Improved
FlexiHub for Android 3.1
We are rolling out a reimagined FlexiHub for Android v.3.1 which is already available for download.

FlexiHub for Android 3.1 has a completely new design which makes sharing USB devices even easier. It supports all Android devices starting from Android 4.0. And what is more, your Android device is no longer has to be rooted to be able to share USB peripherals over the Internet. Read more here
Here you go – FlexiHub 3.0 brings in Invite feature
FlexiHub 3.0 brings in Invite feature
Our developers never stop improving FlexiHub, and the newest release brings in Invite feature – a valuable addition to its functionality.

Now you can invite others to access a device shared on your system. You can choose to provide access only to a particular device, not the entire account. Read more here
FlexiHub 2.5 with El Capitan support is here!
FlexiHub 2.5 with El Capitan
Now that FlexiHub supports El Capitan it will satisfy all your requirements. All you need to do is install the application on participating computers.

Doesn’t matter what devices are attached to those ports – modems, barcode scanners, terminals, etc. – you can access and work with them as if they were connected to your local machine. FlexiHub is an all-in-one solution, so you won’t need any other software or hardware. Read more here
New FlexiHub 2.2 shares USB ports on Linux and OS X!
We proudly announce the release of FlexiHub for Mac OS X and Linux. FlexiHub is now a cross-platform solution, i.e. it supports Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. All you need to do to install the application on computers that need shared access to USB ports.

Users can create a password-protected FlexiHub account so they can access their devices exclusively from any machine with FlexiHub installed. Read more here
Meet FlexiHub – revolutionary service for remote USB sharing!
Meet FlexiHub
Meet FlexiHub – an easy-to-use service that connects all your USB flash drives, printers, cameras and other USB devices via Internet or LAN, as if these devices were plugged all together into your computer!

Get a single point of control for all USB ports and devices connected to your remote computers. Use them as if they were connected to your local PC, regardless of your location and real IP address availability. Read more here
✨ New
  • exclusive USB sharing technology;
  • absolutely secure connection;
  • private communication server;
  • traffic compression.