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Tunnel server icon

Private Tunnel Server

Increase the speed of your connections by deploying a private server in the optimal location.

      When computers are not able to create a direct network connection, the link is established via one of the FlexiHub Servers based in the USA, Germany, Brazil, and Australia.

      According to statistics, 75% of software users connect to their remote USB and COM port devices via the FlexiHub Tunnel Servers.

      However, if your machine is located far from the FlexiHub Servers, the data transfer rate between your remote peripherals may be slow.

      Far Away
      Connection speed

      Electronic Team, Inc. offers a special option that lets you resolve this issue once and for all.

      A Private Tunnel Server will help you dramatically increase the speed of data transmission.

      By using your own Tunnel Server, you get a separate route for data exchange. Our specialists are ready to help you deploy it on your side or you can do that yourself.

      3x faster
      tunnel server
How it works

If it’s not possible to establish a direct connection between computers (the machines are hidden behind NAT, none of them have a static IP address, or the security policy does not allow accessing external services within a local network), the data is sent via a Private Tunnel Server, instead of using a distant Server of FlexiHub.

How it works

Deployed in your desired location, a Private Tunnel Server eliminates the need to transfer data via a remote FlexiHub Server, so USB and serial data are transmitted significantly faster.

For more information on FlexiHub’s connection modes, please see our Wiki page.

Request Private Tunnel Server

Please, fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you for the further details.